Grain Bags doubled its turnover in 2021 and prepares a complete financial solution for farmers

Grain Bags Romania, silobag storage supplier, generated 2.2 million euros turnover last year, double comparing with 2020, when the turnover had slightly exceeded 1 million euros and for 2022 predicts a 77% increase.

1. Romania agricultural storage spaces is insufficient

Romania grain production is increasing and it was estimated at 34.16 million tons in 2021, four times higher than in 2007 (Source: Romanian Farmers’ Club), that means that the existing storage spaces are clearly insufficient. Even though, in theory, Romania has storage capacity of 26 million tons in silos and bases, in reality an important part does not operate at full capacity.

The official estimates show that our country will produce 40-45 million tons of grain in 2030. Under the given conditions, Grain Bags Romania sounds the alarm and came with an effective, economical and save solution – the silobag system.

2. Over 2,000 Jumbo Bags sold by Grain Bags in 2021

The 2021 numbers show that Grain Bags sales are on a growing trend, in all segments. So, 99% more silobags were sold in 2021, compared to 2020, and 48% more, compared to 2019. Over 2,000 huge bags were bought last year by the Romanian farmers, but we also sold a lot abroad.

Grain Bags also sold 84% more machines this year, compared to 2020 and 120% more compared to 2019. The biggest increase can be seen on the equipment rental and services, where the percentage exceeded 100%, reaching 180% growth in 2021 compared to 2020 and 46% compared to 2019.

“As Lucian Buzdugan, Senior Advisor at Al Dahra Agriculture, once said: «the silobag has become a permanent technology in Big Island of Brăila ». The same principle applies to our other customers, who, after noting the system utility, no longer rent the machines, but prefer to buy them from us.”, said Narcis Ranghiuc, Grain Bags Romania general manager, during “How grain storage looks in Romania” event, organized by the company, on January 14, 2022, at the Ferma Baciu Restaurant, in Bucharest.

Agricultural and business area journalists, agricultural associations representatives, as well as farmers participated in this event. Many important names in the Romanian agricultural sector were present: Nicu Vasile, LAPAR president – League of Agricultural Producers in Romania Associations, Alina Crețu – executive director of the Association of Maize Producers in Romania (APPR), Costin Telehuz – president of the Association Grain Cultivators and Technical Plants Ialomița (ACCPT Ialomița), Florentin Bercu – executive director of Cooperatives in the Vegetable Sector (UNCSV) National Branch Union, Ionel Arion – Pro Agro National Federation president, Alexandru Haită – farmer from Teleorman, that works 1,100 ha, Gheorghe Nițu – farmer that works 4,000 ha in Giurgiu, Alexandru Baciu – cow breeder, over 1,000 heads, works over 2,000 ha of land and owner of Ferma Baciu Restaurant.

3. Silobag storage record - 2,500 wheat tons, in one day

The silobag system is addressed to both small and large farms, as evidence Grain Bags Romania’s customers are farmers who work land from 100 ha to over 10,000 ha. Many cows, pigs or chickens breeders are already using silobags for feed storage and many oils, milling, baking processors are already using silobag system.

Last year he most stored materials in the giant bags were grain: wheat, corn, sunflowers and feed: crimping, corn silage, alfalfa silage. The silobag loading record for 2,500 tons of wheat stored in a day, was in Constanța county, at a grain trader.

Grain Bags main objectives for 2022: a complete financial solution dedicated to farmers, expand the Grain Bags Romania team, enter other European markets and increase the turnover by 77%.

“There are many farmers who cannot afford to store their grain, that is why Grain Bags offers a complete solution which provides the financing for grain storage and the farmer will be able to sell his crop at the right time, for the best price”, added Narcis Ranghiuc.

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